5 Questions with @emilyrobertson…Ramble

Over the holiday season I played host to my sweet sixteen Aussie cousin, @emilyrobertson. You may recognize her as the other half of the Eurasian Power Duo from our many adventures around NYC.

Emily is not your average student but a rising make-up artist who used her time in L.A. to work on a film and sharpen her skill set in that area with the help of @erinquill.

Even though the last time I had seen Em in person before this trip she was ten and much shorter than me, I was glad to find out she was 16 turning into a gorgeous young woman and still shorter than me. (This is a key element to making me happy which Louis, part of the Eurasian Power Triad did not do! Instead he shows up 20 years later over a foot taller than me. Okay he was an infant when I last saw him but really did he have to grow up over six feet tall? His redemption was being a good sport who tolerated my bad Faux French accent and teased him mercilessly.)

Back to EM!

1) You’ve been working on an independant film in L.A. as a make-up artist for the male cast members. What is the difference in making up women vs. men on-camera?

Well, when working with men it’s generally less work because you don’t have to put on eyeshadow, lipstick, cheeks etc. However, the main thing you have to remember is to take away the shine on their faces, remove any odd shadows and cover any blemishes, basically make them look the best they possibly can. Because working with HD cameras EVERYTHING shows up.

2) Is it true you applied make-up to one of the Twilight cast members? Did you witness any hysteria?

It sure is! It was Justin Chon who plays one of Bella’s high school friends. He was great to work with he’s really funny and nice. Because everyone on set was probably 25+ I think if there was any hysteria it would have come from me (I kept my cool though). He had an obsession with my hair and when I brought Tim Tams for everyone I was instantly in his good books.

(ed. note: It’s okay that Em sacrificed a pack of Tim Tams from Down Under, not the crap export Pepperidge Farm is hawking in some supermarkets. Really, I mean Justin is part of the Teenage Dream Factory that is ‘Twilight’ and I got my share. Really…it’s okay…..sniff….sniff.)

3) Do you have any tips for trying bold colors with skin tones i.e.. red lipsticks based in orange great for pale skin tones, not for dark. etc?

That’s a tough one! It really depends on the tone of the skin and if they are a cool or warm person. People really need to indapendant know their colourings, which is quite easy, you just look at your inner forearm and see what kind of shade you have to your skin, pink? yellow? Pink is cool and yellow is warm. Then look at your natural hair colour, what shades does it have to it? Also look at the colour of your eyes. If you haven’t really worn bold colours on your lips before, it’s best if you ease into it. Otherwise people will be a little shocked and you could get a little self conscious about wearing bold colours. Try colours that make YOU feel good! It is really hard though trying to find the right bold colours for your skin tone so I find talking to professionals at make up stands is really helpful.

4) During your trip to LA you had a chance to observe and try different types of make-up applications. What were they and which was the most eye-opening?

What's my style? Tranimal.

There is this style called tranimal and it’s like a crazy kind of drag. You cut up fishnet stockings and layer them on your face, it’s so creative I really loved it. I was also lucky enough to learn a few drag tips. I am in love with drag queens just because they are a piece of art, they are some of the most creative people I’ve ever met and I am dying to try some new looks, I might have to pay some of my guy friends to be a mannequin! Tranimal and watching the guys get into drag was really amazing.

5) What is the best plan for surviving a Zombie infestation?

Well, in the unlikely chance of an outbreak get out of urban areas because they could be anywhere. Find a safe place away from civilisation, think that where there are people, there will be zombies! Get a good team together and plenty of weapons, your aim is to destroy the zombie’s brain. That is the only way to kill them, DESTROY THE BRAIN! I could go on for hours but those are just some key things to remember.

Our Girl S(uper) S(exy) S(wizzle)… Ramble

NYC can be rough without a guide. That’s why we’re lucky we made friends at Havana Central with Super Swizzle Stick (SSS.) Once she joined our crew, we knew we were going to have the time of our lives. She definitely lived up to her arched back and had us snort laughing at the Met, The Russian Tearoom and of course, going back to her homeland, Staten Island!

For more of our adventures check out Part 1: A Medley of Eurasians;  Part Deux as in Duo; Part 3 The Final Chapter.

Eurasian Power Duo Takes NYC: The Final Chapter…Ramble

By now you might be wondering what else could a New York trip cover? Obviously we love fashion, food and fun! Why stop now?

1. Bergdorf Goodman’s: maybe it’s the recession, I don’t know and I don’t care the service was amazing. Jorge overheard me say ‘I love that one’ in the Gucci handbag section then brought down my coveted selections of white, buttery leather in the exiting season’s Jungle selection. Then he showed off a new piece from the incoming Techno season of gray and metallic pieces and suddenly we were in a Gucci trance.

We floated towards the Judith Leiber selection where the saleslady, who looked like she might be coming over to say ‘you’re time limit for staring at that case is up’ actually brought out the shiny Cupcake bag that was featured in ‘Sex And The City’ which Em’s 16 old hand almost dared not take, but did quickly succumb to the offer to hold the $4200 plus gem.
While the Cupcake bag was adorable and caused fluttering of the heart, my choice was the red Fu Dog which is only in the store because of Judith’s 40th Anniversary. At over $5K this dog will never leave you unwanted presents, fade or perish after 15-20 years. Classic in red and gold trim, the Fu Dog is the perfect gift for anyone who wants to buy my affections. Wink. Wink.

2. The Russian Tearoom- okay this was a ‘Mom request’ so we had to go there for tea. In my head I was like ‘ho hum is it the 90’s? Didn’t it get a remodeling? I haven’t been there in at least a decade.’ However, it’s not about me, it was about the dynamic Em & fulfilling the wish of her madre.

Our ole pal Brianistuft was up to the challenge and came ready for hijinks. Our fun at The Russian Tearoom exceeded expectations– that’s what happens when you take a couple of pop culture junkies add a dash of Prince Vladimir & Anastacia tea (why it was from London instead of Russia is beyond us.)

Who can resist the Russian uniforms? Cherries to sweeten the tea? The ornate gold trimmings and utter fabulousness of the room in general? Not us!

While we opted for the tea and then hit Mickey Mantle’s for a burger, if you are interested in a having the full-blown deal I suggest booking for restaurant week (Jan. 25- Feb 7th — it’s a long week!) only $24.07 for lunch & $35 for dinner. Serve up some borscht!

3. Broadway- take a chance and I know I have mentioned this prior but give the tkts booth a chance and you might find some delightful surprizes. ‘A View From The Bridge‘ was totally amazing. Our tickets were half-price thanks to tkts.

4. The Hayden Planetarium– you probably haven’t been there since your field trip in fifth grade. If that’s the case maybe you are too young to remember that’s where ‘Ross and Rachel’ had their first kiss on ‘Friends.’ Whatever the case may be if ‘Night At The Museum’ & the sequel didn’t remind you how much the museum has to offer, let me remind you the planetarium is amazing. We had a special ‘in’ and the last show of the day was held for us. How’s that for spectacular? Of all the places I’ve been ‘VIP’ in the this town, I love the ones at places someone else got me in to like Lincoln Center on New Year’s.

The show was Journey To The Stars narrated by Whoopi Goldberg. I did an recap in Whoopie’s voice which apparently was pretty close– shocking since I’m shockingly bad at accents. I cannot retain them and turn everything into a French accent (aw, we missed our 3rd member of the Trio but the French accent remains!)

Me (as Whoopie) Scientists found out the sun will combust in about 5 billion years, woah, that is some heavy shizzznit. Don’t worry though, humans will have moved on– WHAT?! Where the hell we gonna go? Oh well, that’s in 5 billion years, still doesn’t free up my Friday.

5. Tiffany‘s– while I made mention of this in a previous entry, it begs it’s own spot. The silver polish I bought has made a big difference and all my Elsa Peretti collection gleaming and made for a terrific-if-controversial-mom-alert-photo:

Hope you enjoyed our Manhattan and Brooklyn Adventures as much as we did.

Love, Kisses and Pop Glitter,

Eurasian Power Duo: NYC Tourist Part Deux…Ramble

While at the gym going over the day’s planned activities, I pondered the question ‘what does an 800 pound mako shark dream about?’ from the movie Deep Blue Sea. Of course, I had to spin it ‘what does a teenager want to see in NYC?’ and in a flash scrapped the day’s events with visions of Dylan’s Candy Bar & Serendipity dancing in my head.

Here are more NYC delights the Eurasian Power Duo suggest:

Why is my drink staring at me?

1. Dylan’s Candy Bar: the sugary smells lure you and it’s hard to stop the intoxicating treats from popping straight into your mouth. Head upstairs for a Frozen Hot Chocolate made with real chocolate shavings instead of waiting 3 hours to get one down the street at Serendipity 3…that is unless Nick Jonas is taking you there and then you’ll get seated right away.

2. Guggenheim – the fabulous Russian Kandisky’s current show (which leaves Jan. 13) is the best overall collection I’ve ever seen at the Guggeheim. After waiting a half an hour in the cold to take part in the Saturday night (5:45-7:45 pm) ‘pay what you want (vs. the regular adult $18 admission) plus we’ll throw in a free audio guide’– my little Aussie was frozen to the bone and had decided never to live in NYC during the winter.


The Apple Store 5th Avenue-– this one looks like the Louvre so much you’ll be looking over your shoulder for Tom Hanks rushing around solving mysteries. This location during the day is pure tourist madness however it’s open 24/7 so busy New Yorkers can get their Apple fix anytime. We exited the building with @brianistuft & another friend singing Ring Around The Rosie, our Apple salesman Justin was so proud we’d been his customers. Hey, it was almost 1AM people need entertaining especially us!

4. The Plaza– you know the hotel where Crocodile Dundee stayed…. has shops, welcomes Eloise fans and contains The Oak Bar. This is another opportunity for you to go all ‘Gossip Girl’ with your young visitors and snap them like they are running from photogs…okay, maybe that’s just me ….

Spotted dashing off E at The Plaza xoxo Gossip Girl

5. La Esquinawhile wandering around Soho looking at all the fabulous models, trendy stores and bars, one might need a nice, inexpensive bit of refueling. Add some spice to your life at La Esquina. It looks like a divey taco bar, and seating is rare but it is damn good. If you have more time, head around the corner to the restaurant version.

6.tkts– recently reopened with those red stairs in the center of Times Square, you can re-enact Jay-Z and Alicia Keys belting out ‘In New York these streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you’ before you get kicked off and return to the line for discount theater tickets. The Brooklyn Branch has shorter lines but is not open on the weekends.

7. The Staten Island Ferry– it’s free, takes 25 minutes each way and you get incredible views of The Statue Of Liberty without having to shell out $20 bucks just to freeze on Liberty Island as people who booked ahead to climb up the Lady’s dress pass you by. Take the R/W/1/5 to South Ferry/Whitehall. You can also jump on the 2/3 express train, exit at Wall Street, take a few steps to Tiffany’s(much less crowded then the flagship store on 5th Avenue and the architecture is beyond fabulous especially the grand marble staircase that leads up to the engagement rings. Check out my personal fave The Legacy!), snap a pic with Bull and then hit the Ferry. You’ll hear the most incredible real accents as opposed to Matthew McConaughey’s faux-Southern-drawl.

Note: You better have a camera with a great zoom lens and a quick trigger finger as you go by the Statue. It’s like the ride is in slow motion until then but you can get some decent shots, a lot better than the spec you’ll get from The Brooklyn Bridge.

How you doin' honey?

8. Little Italy– Viva Italia. Better at night then during the day unless of course it’s during San Generro Festival during the fall or the filming of John Mayer’s “Who Says” video….  The restaurant workers who try to lure you in with promises of amazing food don’t hold up to London’s Brick Lane where promises of free wine & ‘young looking waiters’ are used, but the cannolis & tiramisu is still enjoyable. Though our waitress was surly and threw the bill in between us while we were enjoying our sweet treats at Cafe Roma (don’t bother!), our hearts were full of sugar and laughter. That’s how we roll!

Roma, Roma-ma, your waitress is la-la-aim-e

9. MOMA- we dig art, modern art. The Tim Burton exhibition has been extended through April due to it’s popularity. Woohoo! The cafe on the second floor is wonderful. I have often gone there and sat people watching while enjoying their fresh Italian treats. If you are looking for a fantastic meal, make a reservation for The Modern, MOMA’s upscale restaurant. In summer you can go for a fabulous cocktail at the bar.

10. Henri Bendel’s– New  York is about letting out your inner shine and sometimes that means being surrounded by a palace of glitter! It’s fun to try on fabulous items in this girly paradise that is Bendel’s. Rumor has it there will be a new cafe after some remodeling to replace the now defunct Chocolate Bar space. Though the brown & white may not be as well known as the blue boxes with white ribbons, this is a must for any trip to 5th Avenue.

per @Equill 'if I were a crow I would goto die at Bendel's.' Um, ok.