FURBO Dog Camera Review…Ramble

It was a Friday afternoon in June, when I came home to find my flat in London had been burgled. Elle, my beloved French bulldog, had been home alone. I had bolted the two locks on my door, which was kicked so hard, the doorframe was violently broken. Neighbors were home and did nothing. Police, carpenters, etc. all told me and showed me how the front door lock was worthless and could be opened with a plastic bottle in two seconds.

Elle was shaking. Adrenalin and calm took over as the appropriate calls were made. Elle has over 16K Instagram followers. She gets email offers on a regular basis. I had been offered several dog cameras which didn’t work out for various reasons. Then, FURBO  reached out post burglary. I was very interested and wanted to spread the joy of community and gift others, so we agreed to a giveaway as well.


For me, FURBO Dog Camera is a Godsend. Even leaving the flat for a ten minute walk without Elle started to weigh on me as even the excellent police recommended lock and London bar (a reinforced bar that goes around the lock, under the doorframe to prevent break-ins) didn’t outweigh the stabbings that started happening in West London- one happened on our block four days prior to us moving. We lived across from the Kensington-Olympia Overground and it turns out any train station will attract a variety of violent people.


The greatest thing about FURBO is not only being able to check-in on Elle when I’m not there, or toss her treats if I’m running late, it’s the alert reminders like “Your dog just took a selfie,” or “Human activity detected, do you want to see who it is?”

As a New Yorker, who is a lot more mild in my approach after living in London, imagine what I would have said if I had the FURBO there and see the human activity alert? I certainly would have run back home as I was a mile away and only gone for under two hours doing a client presentation.

Dog Selfie Alert.png

SET-UP: Download the app. Plug in the FURBO. It connects over WiFi and then an update automatically begins. I’ve set it up twice and it never needs the full 3-5 minutes they ask you to wait for set-up.

Livestream UI.jpg

When you open the app, you can observe, take photos or video, toss a treat and talk to your pet. There’s actually two way talking so imagine this scenario:

ME: GET OUT OF MY FLAT. I’m two minutes away with a Policeman.

BURGLAR: F U #$%#%#$%@. 

Grabs all handbags & stuffs jewelry in pockets, runs out of flat. 

All I cared about was that Elle was alive and uninjured. She was shaking and did get a doggy calming pill that is normally for airplane travel, and even then, almost never necessary. If I had been able to talk to her on the way home, it would have been more calming for her.

If you have a sick dog, this allows you to stalk them, or a colleague that loves dogs and needs a stress break by watching your dog snooze, I highly recommend this, especially if you work long hours. You don’t have to use the treat functionality, sometimes Elle wouldn’t eat the treats until I arrive home. Me talking to her is a bit confusing, so I don’t do that as much as I used to in London.

Elle will take the treats in New York. I’m happy I can check in on her from around the block and get update notifications. FURBO Dog Camera also worked for me in two different countries and cities. It has night vision, so I don’t have to leave all the lights on for Elle. The wide angle lens captures a lot, so clean up your space before you let those co-workers watch your furbaby.

Overall I would say this is totally worth it. You can find one on Amazon Prime.





Happy Birthday Elle…Ramble

Four years ago today a tiny batpig was born. She has become my best friend, my canine kid, my little alpha at times, who has the sweetest soul. Elle changed my life completely. She made me look at the world differently, notice new things about human nature and connect with people in the neighborhood. She brought me back to life after an ongoing hardship.

I am so lucky to have this little batpig in my life. From the first day we met, she nibbled on furniture, fingers and toes. She retains that playful spirit but prefers to chase sticks and toys, much to the relief of my toes. Happy Birthday Elle!

ImageAnd today:

Birthday Baby
Birthday Baby


2010 Highlights…Ramble

It’s that time of year to contemplate where life has taken us in the last year. As we say goodbye to another year of recession failures, I wanted to focus on some of the highlights.


My human is crazy...about me. Snorties. xx

1. This will be the first time in at least a decade I’m going out on NYE. I’m feeling very happy these days and laughing a lot thanks to my clever little French Bulldog, Elle. She is hilarious, ever-changing and makes me laugh and go on adventures I never would have gone on without her.

2. My sister got married to a very nice man. I wrote an ‘Ode’ as I am prone to do for their wedding which allowed me to joke and triumph over his brother, the best man’s, speech.Sorry Chris (not really! :P)  My dad wore a Top Hat and my mother picked out her dress with the help of David Tuterra, who was launching his new line of bridal gowns.


3. I used Twitter to expand my writing contacts. I have been able to write book reviews and interview authors I admire like @LizaPalmer for SheKnows.com. It helps me grow as a writer to hear from other writers and doubly as an interviewer because of the line of questions being different from musicians.

4. A new job that is so new I only just sent out an email to my contacts last week. It’s nice to feel like I am in the right place for a change.

5. All the amazing folks who answered my ‘5 Questions’ – you all blow my mind. Thank you for your words and sharing your knowledge.


Top Film: Inception. Are you shocked it’s not The Social Network? Mmm, Armie Hammer, but it’s fine to see the synapses firing of someone else, during Inception, my own were ignited and invited down a tunnel that will no doubt be repeated in the future.

Action film:Piranha 3-D over The Expendables, which was just sorely lacking. I enjoyed Iron Man 2, but Piranha was the perfect mixture of a great summer movie with saucy bits that left you wanting more.

Book: This is tough but I’m going to say Just Kids by Patti Smith for memoir and then ‘cheat’ with best satire Dear Money by Martha McPhee. Smith’s book was not only a twisted rock love story, it was an homage to New York in the 70’s which inspired me.

TV: Modern Family. This is a home run of laughs every episode!

Concert: Jazz at Lincoln Center with my homegirl Karen. We were right on stage. It was pretty amazing.

Farewell 2010, you were full of highs and lows but once Elle came along it was mostly highs. xx Grrlgenius

Christmas Snowy Adventures…Ramble

Happy Holidays to Everyone! This post may be early, late or right on time but either way if you’ve been wondering why my posts dropped off in December, I started a new job. Elle is very well taken care of and we still have loads of adventures which prevents me from coming home and turning into a couch monster. If you are a big fan of @Rocknroll_ELLE , you know wherever I go she enchants people, including the new office as a star of the video holiday card I produced. Hope you like it!

Hurrah how I love seeing new things and this year it included the amazing insanity that is the Dyker Heights’ Lights, which apparently draws nearly 100K visitors to that area of Brooklyn each season. We luckily went at ten P.M. on a Sunday night so there was plenty of parking and only out of town license plates. Here’s what Elle and I have been up to the past couple of days and we hope you enjoy it.

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Baby Love 11: Snorter Heaven…Ramble

Woohoo, we were giving Meet-Ups a little bit of a revisit since there were a bunch of unneutered males at the last one we went to and some blood was shed…..seriously. Fortunately the Brooklyn Frenchie group has been revived by a lady named Jen who’s Frenchie also happens to be named Elle! ACK! It’s okay they are easier to tell apart. Turns out no matter where we go mon petit Elle is smaller by about 8-10 lbs! Unfortunately my phone died before I could take photos with all the Frenchies. There were a few boxers and pugs as well which made it totally snorterrific! Here’s a few pics from today’s group meeting at tbd over in Fort Greene. I can do this easily since Elle is passed out!

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Baby Love 10 …Ramble

It’s been a long time since I posted an update on the adventures I’m sharing with my sweet Frenchie, Elle. Summer was hard on her little mushy face but we still went to a few Frenchie Meet-ups, had tons of doggie playdates and even dogsat for a 30lb Frenchie named Gerard.

Dogparks have been a hit and miss with Elle getting peed on by one German Sheppard and bitten on the butt by another. Seriously, her butt is that cute even dogs can’t resist. However, one henious terrier grabbed her by the cheek and dragged her for several feet while the owner was too busy having a conversation with a human and remarking that’s what terriers do. I learned we don’t have to stay if the situation isn’t right, if the vibe is off and certainly when people don’t pay attention or dogs are too aggressive.

One adventure I never thought we’d have was going to church. When I was a girl we had a cockerspaniel I named Linda. She was a beautiful tan color and so sweet and pretty just like in “Lady and the Tramp.” I named her after watching an episode of “The Brady Bunch” when Greg has a crush on a mystery girl named Linda, who turned out to be his teacher.  Once Linda got loose while we were at church and since we lived on the same block, she found us and disrupted the service. Why that lovely Linda, she was a hunting dog and she wanted her humans!

Yesterday Elle and I were walking along one of our favorite streets and noticed Grace Church had posted  a sign stating in celebration of St. Francis of Assisi’s Feast, all our furry friends were welcome for a special 5 p.m. mass. We met another couple with a Frenchie named Cliff on the way in and couldn’t believe how fast an hour in church can go when you have your furry friends with you. There were also some birds, a hamster and a ferret.

Animals were indeed blessed with a branch, then humans. I couldn’t believe how much water the young Reverend blessed me – it’s not a wet t-shirt contest! Snort! He did apologize. Anyway, it was lovely to see some of our doggie friends there and met some new ones. Elle loves vocalizing so she was at rapt attention for all the hymns. Sorry to say a kind senior who’d never touched a smart phone took the only photo of the two of us together and cut my head off which reminded me of my Grannie. Awwwww! Only Elle or a wedding/funeral could get me to church when it wasn’t Christmas. She is really trying to save my soul. 🙂

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