What I Learned Today at SXSW…Ramble

When I arrived in Austin at 3A.M. I was hurting. The trip started off with a bit of a blunder leading to a wacky cab ride and chasing a cop to findarrive at JFK where all flights were delayed.

There is something about coming to Austin’s SXSW that gives your energy a boost. This is my first year at the interactive segment and I like all the smart geeks in expensive wireless frames feeling like they are the Kings of the Net. Over in the convention center I easily garnered applause for posing with a surfboard at Server Beach’s booth. They also gave me a shirt that says I Heart Geeks. That shirt may get me a man here! Wooha.

What I learned today:
1) Crossover panels are fun! I went to the film panel on horror films.
2) Robert Rodriguez who has directed so many amazing movies I love like El Mariachi and Desperado- is Hella Hot! Robert hola I would move to Austin for you!
3) I have seen a lot more horror films then I realized.
4) The directors on the panel do not find nudity a necessary component of horror films.
5) The tweeters behind The Mad Men characters started that on their own.
6) Brand fiction is the new advertising and I love it.
7) The Mad Men Yourself App is going to be updated by Deep Focus and yes, they did take into account race and sensitivities around it. I love that how so I was really bummed when that app came out and I couldn’t create an image that looked like me.
8) I should avoid panels with Carl Sagan in the title.

Later my friends! Off to Dorkbot!
Love Kisses and Pop Glitter -grrlgenius