What’s Up, Dad? Voting for Billy J! …Ramble

What A Dope Dad!

Oprah is always making dreams come true. I’m lucky enough to have met people who share that quality and wisdom. Billy Johnson Jr. is a dad, a husband and a media personality who is one such person. He auditioned for Oprah’s “Your Own” …TV Show competition. His show will be called “What’s Up, Dad?”

It’s a sometimes comedic, sometimes serious survival guide that navigates us through fatherhood and it’s variations be it single fatherhood or dressing your kid so they don’t get mocked at school or into an abusive relationship.

Why vote for Billy J?

1) He’s awesome.

2) I’ve met his kids Bailey & Reese and they are hilarious.

3) Billy’s sense of humor and wisdom are very entertaining. Check out his blog DopeDads.

4) Voting ends manana!!! Get your vote in now!

5) There is so much focus on females raising children, there is a need to spread that knowledge to males struggling to do the same.

Next week’s Follow Friday 5 Questions will go further in-depth with Billy J’s perspective as a music journalist and father but you need to vote for him today!